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Apr 7, 2011

Another Model gets the Boot.

Better luck next time, girl.
Last night's America's Next Top Model Cycle 16 ended in no surprise. 21-year-old college student, Mikaela, got eliminated. 
Although Mikaela had potential to be America's Next Top Model, because of her strikingly beautiful features, she failed to pull through in her photos, in which the judges overly stated that she showed no emotion in her eyes and host Tyra Banks did not hide  her love and admiration for Mikaela but apparently her word alone wasn't enough. Banks was out voted by the other judges (she repeatedly declared, she wasn't the one to make the final decisions) and Mikaela was finally sent home.
I have to admit she had it coming. Why would Tyra vote for Mikaela oppose to Brittani, who has consistently taken good, if not amazing, photos? Ok ok, Brittani fell short when she blew up on Alexandria (most hated girl in the house) but it happens and it certainly doesn't make her less of a model. Whereas Mikaela's photos have been shy from an "eh" all season. She was on the bottom two in last weeks episode and quite frankly, two chances was too many. And since when does Tyra show favorites? She was a favorite of mine but home girl couldn't pull through in her photos. The real surprise is that she lasted this long. But now I wonder if it's because she had Tyra defending her on the judges table...
Maybe print isn't her thing. Hopefully we'll see her owning the runway sometime soon. She does in fact have a face for the fashion industry. I have a feeling we'll definitely be seeing her again.

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