
Welcome to Her- Candyland........Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth

Apr 22, 2011

What I Wore: I Wear African.

Last week I went to a school fashion show. The Third Annual Minerva Fashion Show, to be exact....and this is what I wore.

Earrings: ALDO
Belt: Forever 21
Bangles: Forever 21
Black Dress: H&M
Blazer: Borrowed (from my Beautiful Malian friend...who got it made)

Although this Blazer cannot be found in stores, you can pair any fun printed blazer with a plain black dress to re-create this look. The blazer was a little big so I paired it with a thick black belt. Loose fitting blazers is in, so its alright to wear bigger blazers but the belt helps show off your curves.  
Don't ever be afraid of your curves.



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